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What sort of content would you like to see from Mercell in the community?

  • 21 May 2024
  • 0 replies

Hello Connectors!

We wanted to take a few moments to talk about content. Specifically, we want to know what kind of content you’re looking for.

Our goal with the Mercell Connector community is to provide you with a space where you can connect and engage with other Mercell users, to share information, experience and knowledge with each other. It’s also a space where we can publish content in the forms of articles, blog posts, FAQs and discussions, to share valuable news and information with you, our customer! In the long term we’re also also considering expanding the Connector community to include online events like webinars and workshops.

What we’re asking you right now is to answer the following question: 

What sort of content would you like to see from us in the Mercell Community? 

Please leave your answers in the comments below. We’d love to hear your thoughts. If you have examples of content you’ve enjoyed in other communities, please also share them in the comments.

Thanks everyone!

Together we’re making the Mercell Community the best it can be.


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