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Terms & Conditions

Mercell Community Code of Conduct

These terms govern the use of the Mercell Community and any other related agreement or legal relationship between Mercell and the user related to the community forum. These terms and conditions exclusively cover participation in the Mercell community, including posting and interaction with other users, and do not include the use of other Mercell services or respective webpages provided by Mercell or any third party. The User must read this document carefully.

1. Offensive Content

No offensive, pornographic, or otherwise inappropriate content is allowed. This includes content that is obscene, defamatory, harassing, abusive, or hateful. Users must ensure their contributions are respectful and considerate of others. Offensive content disrupts the community and makes it an unwelcome space. Mercell aims to foster a positive environment, and any content that undermines this goal will be removed. Users who repeatedly post offensive content will face disciplinary actions, including warnings, suspensions, or permanent bans from the community.

2. Crawling and Scraping

Automated access and scraping of the site is forbidden. This means using bots, spiders, or any other automated methods to access, extract, or collect information from the community is prohibited. Such actions can disrupt the community's functionality and compromise user data. Mercell values the integrity and security of its community and will take necessary measures to prevent and address automated access. Violators will be identified and blocked from accessing the site. Legal actions may also be taken against individuals or entities found to be engaged in unauthorised scraping.

3.Intellectual Property

Respect intellectual property. Users must not post content that infringes on third-party rights, including copyrights, trademarks, or other proprietary rights. By posting, users confirm that they have the right to share the content. This ensures that all contributions are lawful and respect the rights of original creators. Users should always attribute content to its rightful owner and obtain permission where necessary. Infringement of intellectual property rights can lead to legal consequences and immediate removal of the offending content. Mercell may also terminate the accounts of repeat infringers.

4. Content Ownership

Content created on the platform is owned by the platform. Users should not claim ownership of any content posted within the community. While users can contribute and share their knowledge, the ownership of all content remains with Mercell. This allows Mercell to maintain control over the community's content and ensure it aligns with community standards. By contributing, users grant Mercell a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual license to use, reproduce, modify, and distribute their content in any format and through any channels. This enables Mercell to curate and showcase valuable contributions.

5. No Waiver

Compliance with the code of conduct is mandatory. Users agree to adhere to these rules as a condition of participating in the community. Failure to comply will result in enforcement actions, including removal of content, suspension, or banning of the user. This helps maintain a safe and respectful environment for all members. Mercell's enforcement of the code of conduct is essential to preserving the community's integrity and ensuring a positive experience for all participants. Users are expected to understand and follow these guidelines consistently.

6. Liability Clause

Mercell is not liable for user-generated content. Users are responsible for their own posts and any legal implications arising from them. Mercell does not endorse user-generated content and cannot be held accountable for any issues or disputes that arise from it. Users should exercise caution and due diligence when posting content and ensure that their contributions are lawful and appropriate. Mercell reserves the right to remove content that violates these terms or is otherwise deemed inappropriate. However, the responsibility for the content lies with the individual user.

7. No Political Advertisement

Political advertising is prohibited. The community is meant for professional and technical discussions related to Mercell's services, not for political campaigning or promoting political views. Any political content will be removed, and repeat offenders may be banned. Political advertisements can create division and distract from the community's primary purpose. By prohibiting such content, Mercell aims to maintain a focused and cohesive environment. Users should refrain from posting any material that promotes political parties, candidates, or agendas.

8.No Soliciting

Soliciting is not allowed. This includes asking for donations, selling goods or services, or requesting personal favours. The community should remain focused on knowledge sharing and support rather than commercial transactions or personal solicitations. Solicitation posts can detract from meaningful discussions and may lead to spam. Users are encouraged to report any solicitation attempts to the community moderators for appropriate action. Maintaining a solicitation-free space helps ensure that the community remains relevant and valuable to its members.

9. No Unapproved Advertisements

Do not reference products or third parties without permission. Unsolicited advertisements and promotional posts are not allowed. If you have relevant information to share, you must seek approval from the community moderators first to ensure it aligns with the community's purpose and standards. Unapproved advertisements can disrupt the community and detract from its intended focus. By requiring approval, Mercell can maintain the quality and relevance of discussions. Users should respect this rule to contribute positively to the community environment.

10. Bots Prohibited

Automated users (bots) are forbidden. All activities and interactions must be performed by human users. Automated systems disrupt the natural flow of conversation and can be misleading. Violators using bots will be permanently banned. Bots can generate spam, manipulate discussions, and create a negative user experience. Mercell is committed to ensuring that all interactions within the community are genuine and human-driven. Users who engage with the community through automated means will be identified and their access will be revoked.

11. Insider Trading

Do not share insider information. Any non-public information about Mercell or other companies that could impact financial decisions should not be disclosed. Sharing insider information can have serious legal consequences and is strictly prohibited. Insider trading undermines the fairness and integrity of financial markets and can lead to severe penalties. Users must ensure that any information they share within the community is public and does not violate confidentiality agreements. Mercell will take swift action against any user found to be sharing insider information.

12. Eligibility

Ensure eligibility to participate. Only individuals who meet the community’s criteria for membership should join and participate. This helps maintain the quality and relevance of discussions and ensures that participants are knowledgeable and engaged. Eligibility criteria may include professional background, expertise, or other relevant qualifications. By ensuring that members meet these criteria, Mercell can foster a community of informed and competent participants. Users who do not meet the criteria may have their membership revoked.

13. Right of Moderation

Mercell retains the right to moderate and ban users. The community team has the authority to enforce the code of conduct, remove inappropriate content, and take action against users who violate the rules. This helps maintain order and a positive environment. Moderation ensures that discussions remain productive and respectful. Users should cooperate with moderators and adhere to their guidance. Appeals against moderation decisions can be made through appropriate channels, but public disputes are discouraged.

14. No Harassment or Impersonation

Harassment and impersonation are prohibited. Treat all members with respect and do not pretend to be someone else. Harassing, stalking, or bullying other users is strictly forbidden and will result in immediate action, including banning. Respecting others' identities and boundaries is crucial for maintaining a safe and welcoming community. Users should report any instances of harassment or impersonation to the community team. Mercell will take prompt action to address such issues and protect its members.

15. Moral and Criminal Grounds

Bans may be based on moral or criminal grounds. Users engaged in activities deemed immoral or illegal will be removed from the community. This includes, but is not limited to, fraud, theft, and other criminal acts. Mercell will report illegal activities to the appropriate authorities. Ensuring that community members uphold high moral and legal standards helps maintain the community's integrity and reputation. Users must avoid any actions that could harm others or violate laws.

16.Respect Human Rights

Do not engage in activities connected to money laundering or human rights violations. Participation in illegal activities that undermine human rights or financial laws is prohibited. Users found to be involved in such activities will be banned and reported to relevant authorities. Respecting human rights and financial laws is a fundamental principle of the Mercell community. Users should ensure that their actions within the community align with these principles and contribute to a fair and just environment.

17. Change of Terms

Terms may change at any time at Mercell's discretion. Users will be notified of significant changes, but it is their responsibility to stay updated with the latest version of the code of conduct. Continued use of the community implies acceptance of any updated terms. Mercell may update the terms to reflect new policies, address emerging issues, or improve the community experience. Users should regularly review the code of conduct to ensure compliance with the latest guidelines.

18. Registration Required

Registration is required to participate in the community. Unregistered users can read content but must create an account to post or interact with others. This helps manage accountability and maintain community standards. Registration allows Mercell to verify user identities and monitor community activity. Users should provide accurate information during registration and adhere to the community guidelines. This process helps create a trusted and engaged member base.

19.Kindness Required

Kindness is required in all interactions. Approach all discussions with a positive attitude, and be helpful and courteous to others. This fosters a welcoming and supportive community environment. Kindness promotes mutual respect and understanding among members. Users should strive to contribute constructively and supportively, even during disagreements. By prioritising kindness, the community can thrive as a collaborative and friendly space.

20.No Reference to Advertising, Trading, or Selling

Advertising, trading, or selling is not allowed. The community is not a marketplace and should remain focused on knowledge sharing and support. Posts that reference commercial activities will be removed. Keeping the community free of commercial interests ensures that discussions remain relevant and unbiased. Users should refrain from promoting products, services, or businesses within their posts. Violations will be addressed to maintain the community's non-commercial nature.

21. No Sharing Personal Information

Do not share personal information such as emails, addresses, phone numbers, or payment details. Protect your privacy and the privacy of others by keeping sensitive information confidential. Violations will be addressed promptly to protect user safety. Sharing personal information can lead to privacy breaches and security risks. Users should be mindful of the information they disclose and prioritise their own and others' safety. The community team will take action to remove any posts containing personal information.

22. Attachments

It is possible to add attachments like screenshots and videos to topics and replies. Please be aware that we do not scan or otherwise check the quality of these attachments. Downloading and opening these attachments are done so at your own risk. If you believe someone is uploading harmful material, please report the topic to a moderator or contact the community team via direct message. Ensure that attachments do not contain sensitive or confidential information and comply with all other community guidelines. Attachments should enhance discussions and provide useful context, not pose risks to other users.

By adhering to this code of conduct, we can ensure that the Mercell Customer Community remains a welcoming place for all members.

Thank you for reading and contributing to a positive community experience.

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