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Mercell Community Code of Conduct

  • 11 April 2024
  • 0 replies

Dear Connectors,

Welcome to the Mercell Customer Community!

Our goal for this community is to create a welcoming and supportive community where people can come together to engage with each other, ask questions, discuss ideas, and share knowledge.

To ensure that everyone feels safe and welcome we ask that you read and follow this code of conduct. The following is what is expected of you, and what you can expect from other community members.

By using the Mercell Customer Community you accept this code of conduct. We reserve the right to change these at our discretion.

If you have any questions about the code of conduct, please get in touch with our community team.

First and foremost: Please be kind

The Mercell Customer Community is a public place for professional discussions and exchange of knowledge, so please treat it as such. Everyone is here to help or to find help. If you’re unsure about anything, just ask!

We won’t tolerate harassment, trolling, or otherwise personal attacks against other community members or Mercell staff.

While disagreements can sometimes happen, we ask that you keep discussions on-topic and directed at the discussions contents, not a person. Please avoid name-calling, ad hominem attacks, and knee-jerk comments.Toxic behaviour of any kind will not be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to: racism, sexism, homophobia, or transphobia.

When in doubt, remember the golden rule: Treat others as you would like others to treat you.

Please register

You will need to register an account in order to create new topics in the Mercell Customer Community. Non-registered users can access and read the information available in this community, but you have to create an account in order to participate in discussions.

When creating an account, please make a username using either “firstnamelastname” or “initial-lastname” format. 

Please speak English

While we know that there are people from all over the world using Mercell Customer Community we ask that you keep discussions to English only. This way everyone can participate in discussions and knowledge sharing.

Please stay on topic

Please make the effort to keep things tidy and on topic. Make sure your question or discussion topic is posted to the correct category, and please avoid no-content replies, hijacking threads, or spamming. We want to first and foremost encourage discussion.

To make it easier for your fellow community members, we ask that you mention which product you are asking a question about or want to discuss in the Topic title and description. 

Please refrain from advertising, trading, or selling

While we’re all here because of Mercell’s e-tendering and procurement solutions, the Mercell Customer Community is not a place to conduct trades, purchases or advertisements.

Do not, under any circumstances, share insider information or anything that could be used as insider information. 

Sharing personal information

While we ask that you use your first and last name when registering an account, to ensure your safety please avoid sharing sensitive or confidential information. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Posting emails or personal email addresses
  • Personal addresses
  • Account information
  • Posting private messages
  • Sharing phone numbers
  • Personal payment details

We also ask that you don’t use the customer community to discuss specific tenders.

Mercell Employees

You will notice that some community members carry a Mercell badge, using Mercell titles in their usernames. This means they are Mercell employees.

Like you, they are members of the community and we encourage them to share their knowledge and opinions here.


It is possible to add attachments like screenshots and videos to topics and replies in the Mercell Customer Community. Please be aware that we do not scan or otherwise check the quality of these attachments. Downloading and opening these attachments are done so at your own risk.

If you believe someone is uploading harmful material of any sort, please report the topic in question to a moderator, or get in touch with the community team via direct message.

Please do not contest/discuss moderation actions in public

The Mercell community team may take necessary action to enforce the standards set by the code of conduct. While we don’t pre-screen content posted by the community, we retain the right to limit users’ access to the Mercell Customer Community and to remove material that does not comply with these guidelines. 

If you find that someone is in violation of the code of conduct, please report the post in question to the community team. Just click the three dots in the lower left corner of a post or comment and choose “Report” from the menu.

If you feel that a moderation action was taken against you incorrectly, please get in touch with the Mercell community team. Either send a message to Community Manager Jens Erik Vaaler, or send an email to “community(at)mercell(dot)com”.

Openly posting about a moderation action is not permitted, and posts regarding them will be removed. Ongoing arguments against moderation could result in further action.


If you follow this code of conduct we can ensure that the Mercell Customer Community remains a welcoming place for all members.

Thank you for reading