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Explore the New Mercell Community Structure – Country Categories Now Open!

  • 3 September 2024
  • 0 replies

Hello Connectors,

We’re thrilled to announce that the Mercell Community has undergone an exciting transformation! 

Our newly restructured Community now features country and product-specific categories, making it easier than ever to connect, share, and discuss topics tailored to your unique needs and services. Whether you're navigating local regulations or diving into specific product discussions, there's now a dedicated space for you!

While English remains the default language, you’re welcome to discuss in your native language within these new categories. We’ll continue to post articles, blogs, and updates in English, and we encourage English use in General Discussions and the Mercell Tendering and Bidding Groups.

Dive in, explore the new structure, and let us know what you think in the comments! Your feedback is key to making the Mercell Community a central part of your procurement journey.

Happy connecting

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