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With these release notes, we share how to manage participants in follow-up rounds and more.


In this release, we’re introducing the ability to manage participants in a multi-round tender. With this new feature, you can now add and remove suppliers in the current round.

Curious about all the new features we have added to the system? Read on!

Manage Round Participants

When you’ve set out a multi-round tender, you couldn't previously add suppliers from a previous round unless they were marked as awarded. Now, buyers can add and remove suppliers in the current round.

💡Please ensure that the following setting is enabled in the Business Process Management: Features > Mini competitions: Enable Selection of Admitted suppliers > Yes

This feature is useful when, for example, you have awarded the suppliers to participate in the next round of the tender, but you forgot to add the suppliers from the previous round. Now, it is possible to go to the Supplier tab in the next round and to click on “Add suppliers from previous round”. 👇


Within this page, you can select the suppliers that were participating in the previous round and add them to the current round.


In order to do so, you’ll need to describe a reason, which is only visible for you (and not the supplier). 

💡 Both when adding and removing suppliers to the current round, you will see a pop-up. Here, you will need to describe why you added or removed the supplier.


The notes can be found in the three-dot menu, next to every supplier in the Suppliers tab:

AD_4nXfbUECjnVxLK3EVMQvChdun6MO45p9G3Up-LcXCTdYctO7KvmQKYC1gD75jW9H38b8jzFWv0uaMUyDYmRMVORqBBjPn9k0BTGLQLQKUw12UOJQH-ZtGvKOjlcDpUXyIM9449vdu3Hml8gP4iA0HYB8Yddx7Tw75Cn4qSfMX?key=KrOVhf5iejQjSbJoYUxUFA AD_4nXfWP-gcOWAe-YnKUIVfo29KgOUPktNGo9cXBdrRMLqwbQO531ADjIJ7GSBV5dh89I_q-_iVF3mjdCGzpayPdjIJyPR_0HE0nGBekWHJ730w2JsreAjdEz3HD8LUoliTwFgQGRbABeOyMbYMhG6nLjxGs80Rg_so3kErXC0?key=KrOVhf5iejQjSbJoYUxUFA

These notes are part of the Tender ZIP export in the folder <Round name> 🡪 Supplier notes.

Multiple offers

When a supplier has submitted multiple offers, it is only possible to add one offer to the current round.



Deleting suppliers

You can remove a supplier from the current round in the three-dot menu. The supplier will not be deleted from the tender. When deleting, you again need to provide a reason which is only visible to you.

AD_4nXfNjVa6xUVr_jt8W_IOuL57iMnHkdzpIi78lggQqhr1jpAwARkkp2xakDDAIxD3pbnym_DTPIHKNVeh4EK5d3lsc2uHpmLnUoGaleUu9tL5W-KyETnvySZJKPLPOKzElE9RnAYs7-JmB8z9-PjpIDZ2KPS1eqtCGBk8rUf2?key=KrOVhf5iejQjSbJoYUxUFA 💡Please note that this feature is not implemented for multi-lot tenders.

Small changes

  • Reports: The parent tender field (Tender ID + Tender name of the parent fx DPS tender) has been added to the Offer Report and Award Report
  • New Mercell logos: Our rebranded logos have been updated in Source-to-Contract and emails sent from the platform.

Fixed bugs

  • Supplier submitting question: Suppliers can now submit questions with angle brackets (<) followed by text. This issue has been resolved.
  • Adding Questionnaires – When adding additional Questionnaires in a tender, the checkboxes are now properly aligned. 
  • eForms – After adding validation on the TenderNed number in the Form selector, you got stuck and couldn’t create a notice. With this release, we’ve fixed the issue.
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