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At Mercell, we’re committed to making tendering easier and more efficient for you. In this release, we’ve focused on ensuring UK regulation compliance and enhancing your user experience through several improvements. 

Let’s dive into the updates:

  • UK: Publishing your notices to Find a Tender Service and Contracts Finder
  • Smaller improvement(s)
  • Discover the updates today

UK: Publishing your notices to Find a Tender Service and Contracts Finder

In February 2025, the UK will introduce new procurement regulations. However, procedures like Dynamic Purchasing Systems and Framework Agreements that were created under the old rules, notices must still comply with the previous regulations.

With this release, we’ve created an interim solution. When creating a notice in Mercell Tendering, you can choose to publish these notices to Find a Tender (FTS) and optionally Contracts Finder depending on the value (above or below the threshold).

This is how Mercell Tendering can help you

  • When creating a notice, you’ll see options based on the contract value:
    • Above the threshold: Publish the notice to FTS and optionally to Contracts Finder.
    • Below the threshold: Publish the notice exclusively on Contracts Finder.
  • The form’s editor includes additional non-mandatory sections that only apply to Contracts Finder. The rest of the information that you’ll need to fill out is the same for both FTS and Contracts Finder. 
  • Once published, notices move to the ‘Active’ folder. Edits in the notice are simple, and any updates automatically create a modification notice. The information will be changed accordingly on FTS and Contracts Finder. 

Here’s why it matters to you 

Write notices with confidence, knowing they will comply with the correct regulations. Mercell Tendering’s single form approach saves you time while ensuring compliance with both FTS and Contracts Finder requirements. With this release, you are enabled to prepare, submit and publish your procurement notices more efficiently.

Smaller improvement(s)

  • UK: Improved translations throughout Mercell Tendering to make your experience more intuitive and user-friendly. Translation updates for the Swedish and Norwegian languages are also on their way. 
  • With this update, you’ll find direct links when you log in, giving you easier access to Mercell Tendering and other modules you use.
  • The ‘Get help’ button leads you directly to the support page in your local language for assistance.
  • In Mercell Bidding, suppliers can now find German tenders with low value and national tenders published in Öffentliche Vergabe.  

Discover the updates today

Experience streamlined tendering. Log in now to explore the improvements. Discover the benefits for yourself. 

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