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Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Connectors

  • 9 April 2024
  • 4 replies

Hello Connectors,

We wanted to take the opportunity to wish everyone welcome to the Mercell Community, and also set aside a discussion topic where everyone can introduce themselves.

Please leave a reply below with a quick introduction about yourself and a few words about what you’re looking for: discussing challenges, learning new best practices, or peer-to-peer support, to name a few.

I’ll get started and kick us off:

Hello, my name is Jens Erik Vaaler! I’m the Community Manager here at Mercell, and the person in charge of running the Mercell Community. I used to work as a community manager in the video game industry for several years before coming to Mercell. Maybe you’ve even played some of the games I’ve worked on? In my spare time I enjoy archery, playing Magic the Gathering, and (of course) video games.

My purpose here in the Mercell Community is to provide you with guidance and assistance, while also making sure everything behind the scenes is working as it should. I’m here to build a thriving, supportive community, so you’ll definitely see me around!

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or concerns. I look forward to getting to know everyone here!

Now onto you: Leave a comment below with your introduction to get started.

Hello from Finland

My name is Kim Nordling and we’re living with my family in the Åland Islands between Sweden and Finland. For some days every month I travel almost 5 hours by ferry to the mainland in Finland and have a 2,5 hours drive before I get to my ordinary workspace.

I am currently working at Tampere University as a Senior Procurement Officer and part time as Project Manager in process development concerning procurement - contracting – economics within the University. Working remotly is the new standard and think it is quite amazing how much can be done by Teams and Zoom. 

Public procurement and Contracting has been the main industry for me in more than 10 years already.  
I have been Superuser in all Cloudia softwares for about 7 years; Planning-Tendering-Contract Management-Supplier Management-Analytics.

I have a great interest in developing better processes and has been involved in digitalizing for many years in several companies. I like helping people to succeed in new tasks concerning procurement.

I am looking forward to hear from all of You and I think the best thing with Mercell Community is the opportunity of sharing topics and thoughts. 

Best regards, 



Hello Kimi, welcome to the community!

That's an incredible commute, at least you won't have to do it too often, eh?

It's great to have someone with so much experience be a part of the community. I look forward to seeing what kind of expertise you'll be able to share with everyone.

Greetings from Norway,

My name is Torgeir Riksfjord and I work for Møre and Romsdal county authority. My office is located in the city of Molde.

I have worked with public procurement since 2006, first in healthcare, and in my current job since 2010. I have been a superuser in Mercell MSS since we startet using it in 2011.

I hope that Mercell Customer Community can contribute to improvements to the solution, as well as input on how others work with both procurement and agreements.

I am particularly curious about how artificial intelligence (AI) can be used both in the solution itself - in the long term, but also in the preparation of competitions and agreements.



Hello from the UK!

I am Matt & work for Mercell as the Group Director, Customer Success based in the UK but leading our customer success function across all of Europe. I joined Mercell only 4 months ago so still learning!

I look forward to learning more about our customers & the topics that matter most to them in this community. 



