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Welcome to the Mercell Community

  • 11 April 2024
  • 0 replies

Dear Connectors,

Welcome to the Mercell Community! We are incredibly happy to have you here and we’re looking forward to seeing you around.

Our mission here is to provide our customers with a place where you connect and engage, share your knowledge, and learn from each other in an online space. Here you can join discussions with other community members, ask and answer questions, and submit ideas and suggestions for improvements to our products.

The community Knowledge Base will serve as a repository of knowledge and information, where the answer to a question is only a search away. 

If this is your first visit here we’ve got you covered! Keep reading on for a quick introduction to the Mercell Community and how it all works.

The Structure

The community is structured using a hub and spokes model. At the centre is the landing page, which is where you likely came in. From there you can go to different categories and sub-categories, each of which has a specific purpose.

If at any point you want to go back to the landing page just click the Mercell logo in the top left corner of the page. You can also go back to a higher category by using the navigation bar just below the Mercell logo:

Now, let’s get into the different categories and how they work:

Get Started

This is where you are right now! (Hello again!) This is where the new members are introduced to the Mercell community. From here you’ll find two subcategories: Welcome and Community Guidelines.

We recommend introducing yourself and brushing up on the code of conduct before you post your first discussion topic or question.

Discussion Forums

This category is for discussions and questions that are related to anything related to Mercell’s products and services. This is where you can meet up with your fellow community members to engage with each other, join discussions and ask and answer questions. In addition to the General Discussions category, there are also categories for discussions and questions relating to buyer and supplier side.

We highly encourage you to be an active participant in these discussions and share your knowledge and experience with other members. Maybe you’ll even make it to the top of the community leaderboard thanks to your support?

News and Updates

This is where we’ll share any news and updates about Mercell and our products. We’ll also share updates about any and all changes to the community in this category.

As the community continues to grow we’ll likely add new categories or make other changes as necessary. These will also be announced in the News and Updates category. Don’t worry though, we’ll always be ready to point you in the right direction.

Ideas and Suggestions

Do you have ideas or suggestions on how we can improve our products or the community? This is the place to share them. 

Ideas and Suggestions is also where you can keep track of previously submitted ideas. We’ll consider suggestions as they come in, and you’ll be able to see at a glance what’s being considered and what could be implemented. 

Please keep in mind that we won’t be able to implement all suggestions that come in, but we will keep you updated on what’s under consideration.


And that’s it for now! We look forward to having everyone join our community. In any case: welcome to the community, start here by introducing yourself.

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